The Upper West Side dresses more like the rest of the country than any other neighborhood in Manhattan.
I don't know what else to say about that.
There was some fashion to be found, however, and most of it was a practical, comfortable spin on summer trends.
head scarves

sun hats

summer shirts in a windowpane check
very Charles Addams

little white dress worn as a layer
Birkenstock thong sandals
citron yellow and navy

eyeglasses with clear frames
white linen shirt and sandals

An iconic Upper West Side look, the zany lady

This style was immortalized by Ruth Gordon in Rosemary's Baby and was still in evidence here until the late '90s. But as the chain stores and young Rosemarys have moved in, the quirky, original look has disappeared. Where are the zany ladies of yesteryear?

sun hats

An iconic Upper West Side look, the zany lady

This style was immortalized by Ruth Gordon in Rosemary's Baby and was still in evidence here until the late '90s. But as the chain stores and young Rosemarys have moved in, the quirky, original look has disappeared. Where are the zany ladies of yesteryear?

Marcy, the zany ladies of the UWS are alive and...well, alive. On my four block walk to work yesterday I encountered no fewer than 3.5 Certifiably Zany Ladies(one of them turned out to be an insane man wearing women's clothing and pink lipstick).
Hallelujah, hallelujah! The Zany Ladies are risen again. I was afraid they had all moved to Florida.
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